The Long and Winding Road, "Third in the Sewing Box Series" and "Magical Mystery Tour" Series #6, by Blackbird Designs...cross-stitch design
Midnight Ride, First in the Sewing Box Series by Blackbird Designs...cross-stitch design
Cats on Parade by Blackbird Designs...cross-stitch design
The Wool and Flax Co. by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, spring cross stitch
Autumn Hill by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, autumn cross stitch
Spring has Sprung by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, cross stitch
A Shepherd's Song by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, house cross stitch
Shepherd's Pie, Jack's Sweet Shoppe, by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, spring cross stitch, summer cross stitch
Spring Serenade by Brenda Gervais of With Thy Needle & Thread...cross-stitch design
Weeks Dye Works, Cocoa, 35ct, Fat Quarter, 100% linen, cross stitch linen
Raven Bewitched by Blackbird Designs...cross-stitch design
The Art of Felting & Silk Ribbon Embroidery by Di van Niekerk with Toody Cassidy...for Search Press
Sewing Club, 16 Projects to Stitch and Sew by Blackbird Designs, cross stitch book
Cinnamon Stars by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, Halloween cross stitch, autumn cross stitch
Goat Load by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, goat cross stitch
George and Martha by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, 4th of July cross stitch, Americana cross stitch
American Sampler by Plum Street Samplers...cross stitch pattern, house cross stitch
We Live in Hope by Blackbird Designs, cross stitch booklet
Little Birds by Blackbird Designs, cross stitch booklet
Oh Joyous Day by Blackbird Designs, cross stitch book